Economic Success Measures
Through a partnership between the ARC and, the Economic Success Measures site answers the question of, "How much can someone expect to make when they finish a degree?" The site provides detailed salary information of recent graduates from public and private higher education institutions across the state who work in-state after they graduate. Data is provided by degree level and can be queried by either institution or major.
Arkansas Research Center
Education to Industry Connections (EIC)
In the way that the Economic Success Measures site answers the question of, "How much can someone expect to make when they finish a degree?" The ARC's Education to Industry Connections site makes use of the CIRCOS chord visualization technology to answer the question of, "Which industry/industries can someone expect to work in when they finish a degree?" The site provides a visual connection between broad degree areas and the industry sectors that recent public and private higher education graduates are employed in in-state after they graduate.